Saturday 1 June 2013

Do you see that? Sunshine! Reasonably warm temperatures! This means I can have my little tea party in the garden! *happy dance*


I was thinking of clearing out all the things standing there and putting my desk under the kitchen window for all the food. I don’t know what that flower on the right is but it smells amazing at the moment and it hast just opened its blossoms. Perfect!


I will add another little table to this one and drag out all the chairs in the house. I think we should just about have enough space.


This little line of bunting currently decorates our bedroom but I think it fits perfectly with the theme. The Mister will hate it but since it’s my tea party I am overruling him and putting it up outside. Life is hard sometimes…


I also started baking yesterday. Among other things I have decided to make the little apple pies as well as miniature tarte au citron. I briefly considered buying the pastry cases but then pride took over. Surely I can make these myself. I was a little afraid that the dough would stick to my muffin trays and just come out in crumbs so I cut out little circles of baking paper to line the tray.


I started with a shortcrust pastry,


cut it out using a glass,


and put it into the tray. I added foil and lentils for blind baking and it was pretty much ready.


25 minutes (and some quite burned fingers) later I was seriously proud of myself.


They are not perfectly even but they come out of the tray easily and they are golden and crispy. I will make the filling later today.


I also prepared the filling for the apple pies. That was fairly easy in comparison.


Since the party is happening tomorrow I will need to get into gear to get things ready. I have tickets for the Ice Age exhibition today so I won’t get back to baking (and cleaning –.-) until tonight. This is bound to get hectic towards the end but I am so excited, I’ll be able to cope with anything!


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